


One-on-one training session (one hour) $50.00
Partner training session (one hour) $60.00

Call 916-838-9266 to schedule a FREE consultation


Ready to get started building a fitter and healthier body that will have you looking and feeling your best? There is no better way than Personal Training with Force One Fitness.
Training with Force One Fitness you will:

  • learn exactly what it is going to take to reach your goals
  • improve muscle tone and shape
  • turn your body into a fat burning machine
  • improve cardiovascular health
  • lower bad cholesterol, raise good cholesterol
  • lower blood pressure
  • have more energy
  • become stronger than you ever thought possible
  • learn and understand the complex world of nutrition
  • improve posture and flexibility
  • sleep better
  • reduce stress

My degree from SDSUTHE TRAINER

I have a Bachelors of Science degree in Kinesiology from SDSU and over 6 years of experience as a personal trainer. I have worked with hundreds of different clients, each with their own unique fitness goals and starting points. I have spent the last 10 years researching fitness and training myself to learn firsthand exactly what works and what doesn’t. I love being a personal trainer and am passionate about the opportunity that I have to really change someone’s life for the better.


All training is conducted out of my private home gym in Sacramento’s Pocket area. The facility is small and far from beautiful, but I have all of the best equipment that you find in the big gyms. No waiting for equipment, no distractions, and no self-consciousness. Being just half a block away from Seymour Park allows me to move the training outdoors for a truly intense cardio experience. You can even pick your own music to listen to while you train.


Often times this is the hardest part. Just getting yourself up and out the door to go do something that is difficult and painful. It is one of the reasons that I have a job doing what I do. Working out with someone, especially a trainer, will help to make sure you don’t miss your workouts and that you are giving 100% every time. Also, keep in mind that nothing motivates like results. After just your first week of training, not only will you be feeling better, but you will also start seeing your body change. Once you see those results it becomes much easier to get fired up for your workouts.


For the number of hours invested, my program can’t be beat. I don’t want to spend 2 hours a day at the gym and I doubt you do either. With my training program you only need to train 3-5 hours a week and you will get results just as good, or better, than the people who live in the gym. How is this possible? Because a good workout doesn’t need to take 2 hours. In fact, a good workout should be intense enough that you are completely wiped out after 30-45 minutes. Working out for more than an hour is just plain absurd! Combine these intense workouts with the nutrition strategies you will learn and you will be burning fat and building muscle even when you are not in the gym. Now that’s what I call effective.

Personal Training Experience1-ON-1 PERSONAL TRAINING EXPERIENCE

Personal training experienceTraining with Force One Fitness you won’t have to go it alone. I will design a customized fitness program that matches your goals, fitness level, and time commitment to get you the best results possible. I will educate you about how your body works, how to make smart food choices, and how to reach your fitness goals. I will be there to answer your questions, whether you are in the gym, or at home trying to decide on what you should have for dinner. Training with Force One Fitness you get so much more than a workout and a diet plan. You get an experienced trainer and nutrition expert helping you every step of the way.



The decision is easy. Call or email to schedule your FREE PERSONAL TRAINING CONSULTATION.